Wednesday, January 4, 2012


It was really cold here this morning…22 degrees…so we ate breakfast and worked on the jigsaw puzzle. We went for lunch at Sea Shack…again…001

We stopped by a quilt shop on the way back to the condo.  Then we went for an hour+ bike ride. There were advantages to riding in the cold (high in the mid 40’s)…there was no one on the bike trails!  We didn’t have to dodge anyone or get passed by anyone.  We may have seen a half dozen people while we were out!

We watched Duke basketball and the Orange Bowl while we continued to work on the puzzle tonight.

1 comment:

Lynda said...

I know we will see a picture of the puzzle - - right? Will it be finished before you return?
Brrrrr on the weather but good for you all getting out and exercising.