Monday, September 15, 2014

Football and Golf

This past week end we flew to Texas for the A&M-Rice football game.  This is the view I had back in the coach section of the plane…2014-09-13 002

I’m not sure what M was seeing in 1st class!!

Of course, we had to stop for a burger on our way to College Station…2014-09-13 004

We met the rest of the family in College Station and again ate hamburgers, but no pictures from there!

We walked into the stadium but stopped along the way…2014-09-13 011

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After climbing to the 3rd deck and getting in our seats that we have had for 15 years.  We had to move when J was born to get an additional seat!  So he has never sat anyplace else in Kyle Field.

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Pregame and half-time shots…2014-09-13 030

the MOB…Marching Owl Band2014-09-13 033

the Aggie Band2014-09-13 036

The final score was A&M 38- Rice 10.

After we walked across the street for breakfast on Sunday, we got to watch part of the Tour de Pink bike ride in Hempstead, TX.2014-09-14 002

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We had some quiet time at the Houston airport where we walked, 2014-09-14 009

put our feet up,

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and looked at some interesting art pieces.

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Today R had her district golf match…

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This course always seems to have deer walking around!!

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At the end of 18 holes, CHS was tied with WV with scores of 162…so it was off to a sudden death play off.  They have 3 girls on their team and we only have 2 but only 2 scores from each team counts.

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They certainly had a gallery watching them!

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They had to play 3 holes to determine a winner…CHS came in 2nd, but will play in the region next week.

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Lynda said...

That's still a great achievement to come in second at that level!!! Do you two really fly 1st and Coach? Is it because of his long legs or was it just a one-time thing? Just curious cuz it's really none of my business - - - except you mentioned it. Very interesting about having the same seats. Makes sense if you like them!!! Glad for the update again. Guess it means I need to get something back on mine.......

Mary Helen said...

Mike got an upgrade with his seat when he checked in. Normally, he is back with me!