Monday, June 8, 2009

Another Day in History

We began this morning by going to church at the Bruton Parish Church. It began as an Anglican Church and is now an Episcopalian Church. We sat in the balcony, which was up a circular staircase that had small spaces for your feet. This morning's service was high church with the choir singing long songs in Latin. Before it was over, 1 1/2 hours later, we had taken the Eucharist at the kneeling rail with real wine...a first for Rheagan.

Then we went to the brickmaker and Rheagan got go help by "treading" the clay. Very enlightning and fun!

We continued our walk down the Duke of Gloucester street and went inside many buildings, learned about many things and saw many people in historic costumes.

We went back to the Bruton Parish Church so Rheagn could see the tombstone of one of her relatives many generations removed, Orlando Jones. He was the first pastor of this church and the maker is in the middle front of the church.
Mike was pleasantly surprised to see the donor for this project.

After going to William and Mary, we had supper and then took another lantern tour, this time we concentrated on trades and how a person chose a trade and was trained.

Our evening was finished by getting in the pool!

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